
0.5%-5% Agriculture Irrigation Watering Water-Driven Proportional Animal Fertilizer Chemical Injector Pump

0.5%-5% Agriculture Irrigation Watering Water-Driven Proportional 
Animal Fertilizer Chemical Injector Pump, Dosing Pump, Doser

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Contact person : Allan Sun (Manufactory manager)


Quail automation feeding equipment

Quail farming equipment automation Automatic feeding system


Quail standardized large scale breeding farms room


Automatic Poultry Chicken Manure Scraper / Removal Machine


Hot Sale Doing Pump or Water-Driven Injector

Hot Sale Doing Pump or Water-Driven Injector
Ratio 1% - 5%
E-mail : sales@santow-agro.com
Contact person : Allan Sun (Manufactory manager)
High quality spare parts

The water engine action:

The suction and proportioning unit is built from a piston connected to the water engine, from which it derives its movement. The piston moves within a cylinder with a non-return valve. The movement of the piston within the cylinder causes the water to be injected and the required liquid additive to be drawn through a pipe inserted into a container. It is possible to regulate the supply ratio between the additive and the water passing through the injector model.The drawn additive is transferred through a inlet bypass directly into the main water line, without contact with the water engine.kets.




Electric Radiant Heater

How to Starts  Broiler Poultry (chicken) Business in easy way

Complete Process of Poultry.

Broilers today has emerged has the on of the fastest growing poultry segment with the incresed acceptence of broiler chicken meat in cities, towns, and villages the demand and consumption of broiler chicken is increasing day by day in a fast pace. In India, during the last few years. Poultry farming has taken a U-turn from a backyard venture into a fastest growing commercial sector. for achieving better profits from poultry industry. One should be aware and have good knowledge on its technicality viz. housing, breed, feed management, and over all maintenance.

 The poultry birds which are raised for commercial meat production are called broiler poultry. By using modern farming methods broiler chickens become suitable for consumption within their 5 to 6 weeks of age. However, see the common raising systems which are mostly used for commercial broiler poultry farming.

Indoor Raising Methods: In this method broilers are kept inside a house. Rice hulls, wood shavings, peanut shells etc. are used as litter in the floor of the house. In this system the broilers are kept in a large and open house (known as grow out houses) and they become suitable for consumption within their 5 to 6 weeks of age.  This types of poultry houses are well equipped with mechanical systems for delivering the feed and water to the poultry birds. Well ventilation system, coolers and heaters are must. It is very important to keep the house always dry and clean. Generally a house of 400 feet long and 40 feet wide can accommodate about 20,000 birds. One-half square feet space is required per bird.

Free-Range Methods: In free-range broiler farming methods the broilers are kept like the free-range layers. The broiler breeds which grows slowly(takes more than 8 weeks for reaching slaughter weight) are suitable for raising in this systems. The main facilities of free-range farming systems is that, it allows the birds scratching, foraging, pecking and outdoor exercise.

Organic Farming Methods: Organic farming method is almost the same as free-range farming systems. But the main difference is that, in organic farming methods the birds are not allowed for randomly using of in-feed or in-water medications, other food additives and synthetic amino acids. This system is very suitable for the poultry breeds which reach slaughter weight slowly(around 12 weeks).

Some Popular Poultry Breeds For Farming

There are some popular and mostly raised poultry birds. Among them chickens, turkeys, quails etc. are mostly raised poultry birds.


2000B/H Duck Slaughtering Processing Line for Poultry Slaughtering and P...


Amazing Food Processing Machines in Poultry Factory

chicken cage manure belt removal system


When and How to Debeak Chickens – Beak Trimming Tips

When and How to Debeak Chickens – Beak Trimming Tips
Debeaking, also called beak trimming, is a partial removal of the beak of poultry, especially layer hens, when layer hens are confined to a chicken house, farmers generally trim their beaks to prevent them from pecking (and possibly hurting) one another. While the term debeak implies that the entire beak is removed, in fact usually less than a third of the upper beak is trimmed, and not the whole beak.

But there are other issues that come into play

For instance, because a trimmed beak will usually grow back – just as our finger- and toenails do – some chicken farmers, in fact, remove more than a third of the chicks’ beaks so that their beaks are permanently shortened. They sometimes remove part of the lower beak too.
Also, the entire issue of debeaking is very controversial, with animal welfare organizations worldwide calling for an end to the process, and commercial operators insisting it is essential for the viability of the industry and wellbeing of the chickens.

This begs the question, what is a beak?

Chicken’s beaks are where our mouths are, and they contain keratin, the same substance found in human nails, hair, and in the feathers of birds. The beak itself is covered with skin, and the keratin dries on the beak making it hard. In fact, all birds have beaks, and because they are sharp and pointed they are used for eating, pecking, and for manipulating objects including food, and for grooming. This is not what humans use their mouths for!
So, this then leads to the question why poultry farmers need to debeak their chicks.

Why Poultry Farmers Debeak Chickens

Every industry has particular needs, and in the chicken industry this is just one of them. To understand chicken beak trimming it is necessary to understand pecking, which is perfectly normal behavior in the chicken world. This is where the term “pecking order” originated. Every chicken knows its place in the pecking order although some will (rather like humans) decide they want to be higher in the chain of command! But even that isn’t usually an issue. Rather, it’s more like a squabble between feathered friends that want to either keep or increase their authority.
Issues emerge when large numbers of chickens are kept in a single flock and their behavior starts to change. For instance, when chickens are cooped up together in a chicken house they tend to peck more than they would if left to roam and forage for themselves.
The reasons for so-called feather pecking are relatively vague and are generally given as boredom or feed deficiency. But sometimes it happens for no reason at all and it becomes horribly violent – rather like gang warfare!
Those with experience say that when one chicken draws blood, the rest of the flock can easily be drawn into the fight and this “cannibalistic” behavior continues unabated, often with disastrous results. In the worst case scenario, the entire flock could be injured or even killed.
In the real world, unless they are free-range egg-laying chickens, there is a real danger that they will hurt each other – or even start pecking themselves.
That said, there are even reports of free-range chickens pecking each other to death, even if there are only 10 to 20 of them in the yard. So experts do recommend debeaking (beak trimming) if there is evidence of this sort of cannibalism.
Certainly, if farmers keep hundreds or thousands of chickens in a chicken house, debeaking is considered essential, though broiler chickens that are kept for their meat are not usually debeaked. According to research, if chicks aren’t debeaked, up to 30 percent of the flock could be pecked to death.

How Farmers Debeak Chickens

Debeaking must be done correctly, with absolute precision. Even so, the fact that part of the body is removed makes this practice an emotive subject.
Generally, debeaking is carried out using an electric beak trimming machine that has a guide plate, blades that have been electrically heated, or better still, an infrared laser, commonly when they are just one day old. This is also when they are sexed and vaccinated. They may be debeaked a second time during their first week, and then again a week or two later. The older the bird when initial debeaking is done, the more stressful the operation.
It is thought that the chicks experience discomfort, even some pain when they are debeaked, but nothing more than the pain of being tattooed or having an ear or nose pierced.
Even though there are some disadvantages that relate to debeaking, the advantages outweigh these.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Debeaking Chickens

Chicks tend to lose weight for a week or two after they have been debeaked. Their rate of growth is also reduced and might delay sexual maturity.
However, it improves feed efficiency and enhances the living environment. It helps to prevent cannibalism and feather picking between birds, and of course, reduces pecking. Ultimately, it minimizes the need for the culling of chickens.

Research Into the Benefits of Beak Trimming

Because there has been a worldwide call amongst certain organizations to ban debeaking, research is ongoing.
One particularly interesting research project in the United Kingdom involved a farmer who decided to debeak one flock of 4,500 but not another. At 34 weeks the laying chicks were performing no differently to one another, but because the farmer was convinced that not beak trimming could have a detrimental effect he gave the birds that hadn’t been debeaked were given extra stuff to peck. This included hanging egg trays, little hay nets, and pecker blocks.
Because of the call to ban beak trimming, in the UK the British Egg Industry Council is putting a lot of money into research to see how best to stop injurious chicken pecking. Instead of just debeaking chicks, the Council is looking at genetic research that could result in producing chicks that are less aggressive.
The alternative approach would be to improve flock management and focus on:
  • Stock density
  • Diet
  • Pullet rearing
  • Light intensify in chicken houses
  • Improvement of human contact
All these factors would improve the health and “happiness” of the flock. Research shows that even playing music in chicken houses can help to minimize stress and improve the lives of the chickens that produce the eggs that we eat.
Whatever approach you believe in, do the best you can do.


Day old chick management( poultry house heater)

Day old chick management
Brooder Management
Brooder house : Brooder house should be draft-free, rain-proof and protected against predators. Brooding pens should have windows with wire mesh for adequate ventilation. Too dusty environment irritates the respiratory tract of the chicks. Besides dust is one of the vehicles of transmission of diseases. Too much moisture causes ammonia fumes which irritate the respiratory tract and eyes. Good ventilation provides a comfortable environment without draft.
Sanitation and hygiene :
All movable equipments like feeders, waterers and hovers should be removed from the house, cleaned and disinfected. All litters are to be scraped and removed. The interior as well as exterior of the house should be cleaned under pressure. The house should be disinfected with any commercial disinfectant solution at the recommended concentration. Insecticide should be sprayed to avoid insect threat. Malathion spray/blow lamping or both can be used to control ticks and mites. New litter should be spread after each cleaning. The insecticides if necessary should be mixed with litter at recommended doses.
Suitable litter material like saw dust and paddy husk should be spread to a length of 5 cm depending upon their availability and cost. Mouldy material should not be used. The litter should be stirred at frequent intervals to prevent caking. Wet litters if any should be removed immediately and replaced by dry new litter. This prevents ammoniacal odour.
Brooding temperature:

Heating is very much essential to provide right temperature in the brooder house. Too high or too low a temperature slows down growth and causes mortality. During the first week the temperature should be 95°F (35°C) which may be reduced by 5°F per week during each successive week till 70°F (21·10C). The brooder should be switched on for at least 24 hours before the chicks arrive. As a rule of thumb the temperature inside the brooder house should be approximately 20°F (-6·7°C) below the brooder temperature Hanging of a maximum and minimum thermometer in each house is recommended to have a guide to control over the differences in the house temperature. The behavior of chicks provides better indication of whether they are getting the desired amount of heat. . When the temperature is less than required, the chicks try to get closer to the source of heat and huddle down under the brooder. When the temperature is too high, the chicks will get away from the source of heat and may even pant or gasp. When temperature is right, the chicks will be found evenly scattered. In hot weather, brooders are not necessary after the chicks are about 3 weeks old. Several devices can be used for providing artificial heat. Hover type electric brooders are by far the most common and practical these days. The temperature in these brooders is thermostatically controlled. Many a times the heat in the brooder house is provided by use of electric bulbs of different intensities. Regulation of temperature in such cases is difficult although not impossible. Infrared lamps are also very good for brooding. The height and number of infra-red lamps can be adjusted as per temperature requirement in the brooder house.

Brooding Management
(Source : K.A.Poultry Farm, Karadivavi)
Brooder space:
Brooder space of 7 to 10 sq inch (45-65 cm2) is recommended per chick. Thus a 1·80 m hover can hold 500 chicks. When small pens are used for brooding, dimension of the house must be taken into consideration as overcrowding results in starve-outs, culls and increase in disease problems.
Brooder guard:
To prevent the straying of baby chicks from the source of heat, hover guards are placed 1·05 to 1·50 m from the edge of hover. Hover guard is not necessary after 1 week.
Floor space:
Floor space of 0·05 m2 should be provided per chick to start with, which should be increased by 0·05 m2 after every 4 weeks until the pullets are about 20 weeks of age. For broilers at least 0·1 m2 of floor space for female chicks and 0·15 m2 for male chicks should be provided till 8 weeks of age. Raising broiler pullets and cockerel chicks in the separate pens may be beneficial.
Water space:
Plentiful of clean and fresh water is very much essential. A provision of 50 linear cm of water space per 100 chicks for first two weeks has to be increased to 152-190 linear cm at 6 to 8 weeks. When changing from chick fountain to water trough the fountains are to be left in for several days till the chicks have located the new water source. Height of the waterers should be maintained at 2·5 cm above the back height of the chicks to reduce spoilage. Antibiotics or other stress medications may be added to water if desired. All waterers should be cleaned daily. It may be desirable to hold a few chicks one at a time and teach them to drink.


Electric poultry house heater

Electric poultry house heater

Suitable for broilers, layers, quails, rabbits, pigs, sheeps and other poultry animals.

Easy to install and easy to operate
Automatic heating temperature control without human care
Freely adjustable temperature
Precise temperature control, automatic constant temperature
Carbon fiber far-infrared heating without intense light stimulation
Unique four-fan design for even more uniform heating
Environmental pollution-free, high brood survival rate

Overall size: 50cm * 50cm * 18cm
Weight: about 6KG
Voltage: 220V
Power: 2700W (inner tube 1200W outer tube 1500W)
Use area: 15-25m2 (different seasons, different usage areas)

Anyone interested please contact me 
whatsapp:+8618768892838, +256-784-810189
Mail: sales@santow-agro.com


New Design Cage support leg

New Design Cage support leg

New Design Cage support leg, much more thicker, and more durable material.
Much stronger support, and easier for installation.
The more important detail is that the rivets needed to assemble the shelves are all steel, Each joint requires 4 rivets to secure it to make it stronger.
For more information, please contact whatsapp:+8618768892838, +256-784-810189
Mail: sales@santow-agro.com


Poultry farming equipment delivery to Haiti

Happy thing is delivery, let our customers receive their goods and applied for their poultry farm.
Santow try our best to supply best products and solutions to you.
you are all of us, many thanks for your support .
Let's work together all the time.
Please feel free to contact us for all your poultry needs,
whatsapp:+8618768892838, +256-784-810189
Mail: sales@santow-agro.com
web : http://www.santow-agro.com


ATTEND the Exhibition at Pewosa, Wankulukuku,Uganda

Chicken farmers,

We, Excellen Poultry Equipment, are glad to inform you the we are going
to ATTEND the Exihibition with Booth NO. N-12  at Pewosa, Wankulukuku,
Uganda from 27th March to 3rd April, 2018.

I believe you will find more useful information for your chicken feeding
equipment at Pewosa during the exhibition.

For more information, please call :256-781-486676, or


Biogas Production Line

Biogas Production Line 

Anybody interested please contact
whatsapp:+8618768892838, +256-784-810189
Mail: sales@santow-agro.com


This product is designed for restaurant, supermarket, hotel or residential apartment to treat kitchen wastes; 
for food factory to treat food wastes, for livestock farm to treat manure and agriculture wastes.

The product is composed mainly of a food waste shredder with a material collecting tank, a first stage anaerobic reactor, a second stage anaerobic reactor, a third stage anaerobic reactor , a biogas desulphurization device, a biogas storage bag, a Console and a large biogas stove. 
The anaerobic reactor is constructed of double layer of stainless steel plates with 5cm thick foam insulation layer installed between, and it has the an electric heater, a temperature controlling device,a pH value controlling system and a mechanic stirring device installed. The volume of a single anaerobic reactor is 3, and total volume of the anaerobic reactor is 9

1. Easy and quick to install. 
2, High efficient: the system has all the functions for fast anaerobic reaction such as 55゜C or 35゜C high and constant reacting temperature keeping, automatic pH adjustment and automatic mixing.
3, Environmental friendly: 
a. Odorless: All the gas produced is collected, cleaned and burned. The residue due to full fermentation has no smell.
b. No greenhouse gas (biogas) discharge: all the biogas is collected, cleaned and burned as fuel.
c. No waste discharge, the residue can be used for green or organic vegetable cultivation directly.

Main performance index:
1. The first and second stage anaerobic reactors can work at constant temperature set such as 55゜C or 35゜C 
2. The product can treat 250kg food waste per day and can produce about 20 biogas per day with 35 degrees. 55 degrees will increase 50% treating capacity.

chicken cage manure belt removal system


poultry cage warehouse in Uganda

poultry cage warehouse in Uganda

Clients who want to buy chicken cage system, 
Our company set up a warehouse in Uganda,
Please contact us with the following 
phone No.256-0781-486676Whatsapp No.256-0784-810189   


How to improve feed efficiency in broiler?

The cost of feed for broiler farming accounts for about 70% of its feeding cost. In 
order to effectively improve feed utilization, farmers need to start with broiler
feeding management for feed utilization in daily:

Choosing The design of trough size and depth according to the variety of chicken. 
The location of the trough should be appropriate, the upper edge of the trough will
 be 2cm higher than the chicken back, to prevent from feed wasted.

Also Read: How to add mineral elements to broiler?

Choose food Diet with no residue, pollution-free, environment-friendly feed ingredients and additives. All ingredients, protein, energy, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are determined according to chicken variety, age, size, male and female. All the types of raw materials will be diversified; the best young broiler feed is commodity pellets feed. After heat supply,  broiler feed will be changed to meet nutrient needs for the chicken in all stages.

Form a good Feeding habits with regular quantitative feeding each time, and also 
feed less and feed many times. a feeding amount should be not more than 1/3 of the trough depth.

Deworming regularly to reduce the ineffective feed input. Regular feeding pellet feed is conducive to the digestion and absorption of feed, and this can save feed, reduce waste. Experiments show that regular feeding sand, digestibility can be increased by 3% to 10%.

Also Read:Food Consumption in Broiler Feed

Make a Good feed storage.
Feed should be placed in a well ventilated, dry, dark place to prevent feed oxidation, 
rotten metamorphosis, rats, black steal and other waste. Chicken Farm should Eliminate Mice regularly ; easy-moldy feed should be stored with good-ventilation and moisture-proof, and also natural dry feed regular drying or put adding antifungal agents.

Note that stress-induced has a more extensive bad effect on chickens. In the case of feed, chickens may only eat food and without production performance, and chicken farm should minimize adverse stimuli.

If nutrition is not comprehensive, it will inevitably lead to increased feed intake to make up for a lack of nutrients, and it will result in feed waste. Therefore, please offer a balanced nutrients chicken feed to maximize feed-meat conversion rate.

Offer Light control , For reasonable lighting time can ensure nutrient supply, but also improve feed conversion rate, thus reducing feed waste.

Also Read: Ventilation System in chicken coop

Comfortable temperature, if temperature is not comfortable, and this will increase in feed intake of chicken. Therefore, farmers will offer heat supply in winter,  and effective cooling system in summer, and strive to control the most comfortable temperature to improve feed-meat conversion rate.